Pregnancy massage

This massage is intended for future mothers and can be performed after the end of the first trimester. Pregnancy massages are contraindicated in the first three months of pregnancy. It is only after the beginning of the fourteenth week of pregnancy that it is safe for the mother and her fetus to undergo this kind of massage.

It is a gentle, yet very effective massage that relieves the feeling of having „heavy“ lower limbs. It also helps with back pain, caused by the change in mother‘s  posture connected to the growing belly. The massage removes tension in the shoulders and neck, stimulates blood circulation and regulates blood pressure and pulse. This delicate massage generally relaxes and soothes every woman expecting baby.

The oils are carefully selected taking into consideration aromatherapeutic rules for  the specific needs of pregnant women. Such a massage is relaxing and safe.

Contraindications (massages are not performed in the following conditions)