Relaxing and regenerating massages
The most common type of massage to remove specific side effects in the musculoskeletal system.
You have visited the Somatherapy massage studio website. My name is Soňa Knaiflová and in my massage studio I offer a range of massages for physical and mental relaxation. You will find me in Brno Žabovřesky, near the Královo Pole district. I look forward to your visit.
The most common type of massage to remove specific side effects in the musculoskeletal system.
This massage is intended for future mothers after the end of the first trimester.
Manual face lifting is a delicate manual massage technique that can significantly rejuvenate the face.
This special technique helps the proper functioning of the lymphatic system, activates the flow of sap nad to restore the lymph pumps.
Masáže mohou pomoci jako prevence a podpora léčby celé škály onemocnění, případně k odstranění negativních projevů a příznaků některých chorob a to nejen pohybového aparátu, svalů a šlach.
Po fyzické stránce masáže například pomáhají uvolnit napjaté a přetížené svaly, zbavují bolesti, regenerují unavenou a vyčerpanou pokožku, pobídnou činnost lymfatického systému, tím posilují detoxikaci organismu a mají tak vliv na zvýšení imunity a urychlenou celkovou regeneraci těla.
My name is Soňa Knaiflová. The interest in physical and mental well—being of people has been ingrained in my life since childhood. It was this interest that has led me not only to my original profession as a nurse, but also to an extent number of hobbies where human beings get involved in nature, such as herbalism, beekeeping, mental cleansing and various forms of relaxation. Massages as well are an inseparable part of my world.
You will find a massage studio in Salon 7 nebe at the intersection of Pod kaštany and Šumavská streets in the Brno part of Žabovřesky, near the Královo Pole district. Photos of the interior can be found in the gallery.